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Deep pore cleansing facial

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Deep pore cleansing facial

Sebaceous glands produce oil that lubricates our skin and hair to protect it from drying out, but an excess of sebum can result in oily skin or greasy buildup. Our skin cells are also constantly regenerating, with dead cells flaking off throughout the day. As skin cells shed, they can clog pores and prevent sebum from being able to escape, leading to acne development. Clogged pores can cause either whiteheads or blackheads depending on their air exposure. Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, remain beneath the skin and are not exposed to air. Blackheads (open comedones) occur when the buildup is exposed to air and oxidizes, undergoing a chemical reaction that darkens the clogged pores.

While whiteheads and blackheads may not be painful, they can be unsightly. A professional can determine what type of acne is okay to remove from your skin using gentle pressure and gloves to prevent skin breakage and infections. Occasional extractions can help clear up your skin, but not all types of acne should be removed. Removing deeper or more stubborn acne can spread bacteria and build up further under your skin, leading to redness, swelling, and infection. It can also lead to permanent scarring and discoloration if performed incorrectly, which is why it is important that extractions occur only by experienced professionals in safe and hygienic environments. In between appointments, you can keep your skin clear through gentle cleansing and moisturizing, not touching your face, avoiding tight clothing that traps sweat and bacteria, and regularly changing your pillowcase.

Our deep pore cleansing facial preps your skin for extractions through exfoliation and cleansing, which warms up your skin and helps loosen the buildup from your pores. We only perform safe extractions and always use gloves and sterilized tools. While you may experience minor redness following the appointment, it should subside within a few hours, leaving your skin looking clearer and fresh. After the extractions, we perform a facial massage to release the tension from your muscles and help you relax. The treatment culminates with a soothing mask to moisturize, protect, and heal your skin. Schedule an appointment with us today for a cleansing and relaxing experience.

Skin Treatment Services in Huntingdon Valley

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